Support Our Work!

Witnesses to Hunger advocates are dedicated to improving the lives of people living in poverty by sharing their personal testimonies and calling on policy-makers to bring about real change. They go out into the community to share their stories and inspire people to work together to fight poverty and hunger. This work isn’t easy and we can use all of the support we can get.

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How can you help?

First, get involved in your local politics!

Our elected officials have committed to working for us, so we must continue to hold them accountable and make sure they work in the best interests of their constituents. Familiarize yourself with your senators, your representatives in the House, your governors, mayors, city council people, and all of the people who seek your votes on election day. You have every right (and obligation of citizenship) to reach out to them and let them know what matters most to you!

Learn more about the policies and work directly related to the mission of Witnesses to Hunger here.


Second, get involved in your local community!

There are many organizations that are working directly with community members to make improvements and they need volunteers and support. Search for volunteer opportunities in your city or town and commit 1-2 hours each week to making a difference!

Spread the word about Witnesses to Hunger by following us on Twitter, Instagram, and connecting with us on Facebook. Let people know of our upcoming events and share information presented on this blog.


Finally, you can make a monetary donation to support the work of Witnesses to Hunger (click the image)

Support WTH

All individual donations go directly to supporting the work of the advocates (travel, food, speaker honorariums, and more).

You can also mail checks and money orders made out to “Witnesses to Hunger Fund” to:

Office of the Annual Fund
3141 Chestnut Street, Suite 309
Philadelphia, PA 19104