Witnesses in Action: Tianna Gaines-Turner Talks to Congress

On May 17th, Tianna Gaines-Turner, Site Representative of Witnesses to Hunger: Philadelphia, testified before the Congressional Black Caucus and the House Task Force on Poverty, Income Inequality, and Opportunity. The event itself was a forum about the 50th Anniversary of the Kerner Commission Report, a 1967 Congressional report exploring racism, poverty, and segregation in America,…

Witnesses to Hunger: Philadelphia Spotlight in Farm Bill Policy Brief

Witnesses to Hunger: Philadelphia Site Representative Tianna Gaines-Turner recently spoke on the role of the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) in supporting low-income households, and her testimony is featured in the Greater Philadelphia Farm Bill Working Group’s 2018 policy briefing, “Why the Farm Bill Matters for Greater Philadelphia.” Poverty isn’t something you can put a…

Speaking Out Against Trump’s Cruel Budget for My Daughter’s Sake

Sherita Mouzon of Witnesses to Hunger: Philadelphia was featured on the Philadelphia Inquirer discussing how President Trump’s proposed 2019 budget cuts to SNAP will cause lasting harm to children and their families. I believe that President Trump’s budget is absurd. Though I want to ignore it, I can’t let this one pass. It’s personal, and…

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

Members of Witnesses to Hunger frequently contribute blog posts and essays on various issues relating to poverty and food justice. This month, DIANE SULLIVAN of Witnesses to Hunger: Boston writes on the dire need for legislators to improve access to healthy and affordable food, especially for poor communities. No, it’s not Sidney Poitier. It’s the…

#WitnessesToHunger at #CBCFALC2017: Fighting Poverty, Building Economic Security

For September’s #WitnessesChat, Witnesses to Hunger members Kim Hart of Witnesses to Hunger: New Haven and Tianna Gaines-Turner of Witnesses to Hunger: Philadelphia presented at “Fighting Poverty, Building Economic Security,” a panel presentation at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. Watch the video below to hear Kim discuss her experiences living with a criminal…

Karla T. of #WitnessesToHunger Speaks About School Suspensions

There is growing concern about the disproportionate suspensions of children of color and children living in poverty and low-income areas. Witnesses to Hunger hosted a #WitnessesChat to discuss this issue with one of our new members, Karla T. of Philadelphia. Watch the video here:

#LetsTalkPhilly Comes to @TheEatCafe w/ Witnesses to Hunger

On May 23, 2017, On The Table Philadelphia hosted a series of conversations around the city in mostly dining settings. People were invited to come and join conversations about everything from equity to politics and more. Member of Witnesses to Hunger, Angela Nike Sutton, was a highly engaged participant, sharing her thoughts about employment and…

Nancy Pelosi Speaks of Member Tianna G.’s Family Story

Member of Witnesses to Hunger, Tianna G., recently spoke in Washington, D.C. alongside Rep. Barbara Lee and other vocal supporters of programs like SNAP that help families survive and thrive. At a subsequent press conference, Democratic leaders, Nancy Pelosi, spoke highly of Tianna, calling her the “VIP”, a testament to the value of first-hand expert…

Myra Y. of #WitnessesToHunger Advocates for SNAP Benefits on CBS

The members of Witnesses to Hunger are adamantly opposed to proposed cuts to critical, life-saving support programs such as SNAP and housing subsidies. Myra Y. spoke with CBS news about how SNAP cuts will affect her family and why we need to advocate for more support for families like hers. Myra Young is a nurses’…